Welcome to the Biggest and Busiest Show of the year. 19 artists and over 90 pictures (not to mention 3D)

The Exhibition will run from 4 July to 8 September2024 Artists include ; Josie Barraclough, Kath Bonson, Marilyn Brophy, Pam Bumby, L.Amy Charlesworth, Ann Davies, Darren Davies, Alison Deegan, Jane Fielder, Louise Garrett, Andrea Hobson, Sarah Light (Seven Hands Design), Suzanne McQuade, Leyla Murr, Karen Rowley, David Starley, Jess Swift, Jeremy Taylor, Rob Thomson, Stella Verity


Kath Bonson

After many years working in a family business, Kath studied Fine Art at Bradford College, graduating in 2010. During these studies, she rediscovered her schoolhood love of ceramics. Since then, she has developed her own characteristic style and her work has been successfully shown across the country. The work is inspired by the upland landscape of Pennine Yorkshire. New works for the show include box forms  containing Kaths chosen Ted Hughes poetry.

Josie Barraclough

Marilyn Brophy

Pam Bumby

L. Amy Charlesworth

Amy is a Bradford born painter with a BA fine art degree from Leeds Metropolitan University who has worked and exhibited her hyperrealist paintings in Bingley, for many years, building up a reputation as a distinctive and original artist.

Working primarily in oils on canvas, Amy covers an amazingly diverse range of subjects from landscapes to botanical, architecture to animals and birds, figurative to industrial machinery, and pretty much anything in between. Her work is highly representational. As she puts it “I like things to look like they look”. This does not mean that the work is without her own twist. Frequently a more dramatic feel is brought out by the use of strong shadows and light, but the resulting work is always instantly recognisable as hers.

Ann Davies

Darren Davies

Alison Deegan

Jane Fielder

Jane Fielder’s quirky and atmospheric watercolours are instantly recognisable, even if her usual washing line is missing, the location for her ‘Secrets works’ is Five Rise Locks, near her home in Bingley.

Louise Garrett


Andrea Hobson


Sarah Lyte

Suzanne McQuade


Karen Rowley

Karen Rowley was one or the original members of Aire Valley Arts back in 1995. For this exhibition she has. focused on the unique ways animals convey hidden messages to each other as well as to humans. As she explained. “In some cases, our pets’ faces reveal secrets they would rather not tell!” Two of these, ‘It Wasn’t Me’ features dogs whose expression suggests otherwise.

Leyla Murr



Jess Swift

David Starley

David, the proprietor of the Bingley Gallery, first studied art at Sydney University whilst working in a steel foundry, but then chose to follow a career in archaeology, before becoming a professional artist. Oil paint is very thickly applied (impasto) with a painting knife to produce a three-dimensional, almost sculpted, image. This not only adds great depth but produces a surface that responds subtly to the changing light of the environment in which the work is displayed.

David Starley is an artist who frequently paints woodland. In one impasto oil painting a tree reveals its own secret; it is the home for a tawny owl. His other paintings draw on his earlier career as an archaeologist and feature monuments and finds that have stories to tell about our distant ancestors.

Jeremy Taylor



Rob (Tom) Thomson




Stella Verity