Historic Artists
…of The Bradford Region
I’ve recently been adding earlier works by Artists who painted in Bradford and the surrounding area in earlier years. This rich seam of talent owes much to training provided by mechanics institutes and art schools which allowed working men and women access to a high level of teaching outside their working hours and enabled many hobyists to become professional artists The great source for these is Colin Neville’s Website ‘Not Just Hockney’and his booklets, many of which are now stocked by the gallery.
We hold an annual exhibition of the work of these artists. Outside this, a selection of the paintings of James Hardaker, Joseph Pighills, Frances Watson Sunderland, John Butterfield, Arthur McArthur, Edward Renard, Gordon Clifford Barlow, John Sowden and and many more are currently displayed in our overflow gallery (That’s the kitchen) where an additional, changing, Tracy Emin inspired work ‘Unwashed Dishes’ may also be seen. The downstairs ‘Boiler Room’ gallery has further work. A catalogue of our holding can be found here