The Bingley Gallery News
If you’re wondering what to do in Bingley, Our gallery shows a wide range of looal artist’s work. In addittion the front room has an exhibition that changes every six weeks or so….
Christmas Exhibition 2020
The Christmas Exhibition features some of our favourite artists. Our inhouse painters new work includes some vibrant local scenes from Jane Fielder, many featuring Bingley itself including a rare work in acrylic from that now well-known balcony in Limefield Mill....

Previous Exhibition: Autumn Show
This exhibition had been intended to be "Amy Charlesworth New Work", but iwhen the time came, with a few of her lockdown pieces sold and her natural modesty, it became the Gallery's Autumn show with a much broader range of artists. It will be relatively short,...

Previous Exhibition: From Tiny Acorns
From Tiny Acorns: David Starley, Gavin Edwards, Mike Bentley and Sharon Heap 23 July to 4 October 2020 One of the few positive aspects of the Covid -19 lockdown was the chance to re-connect with the natural environment. Even within West Yorkshire, allegedly England’s...

June 2020 Gallery Re-opening
Not long since the last newsletter, but the situation with the Gallery is changing, so I decided that an update was timely. Not that we’re through with Covid,…. far from it, I’m afraid, but I feel it’s time to start picking up the threads of ordinary life -Whilst...

Spring 2020 Newsletter
So much for looking forward to the start of the second year of The Bingley Gallery under my own management. The impact of Covid-19, has so worrying that it’s hard to find any positives. I should, however, first thank all our followers for the support and encouragement...

Virtual Tours
During the Covid-19 Virus lock down The Bingley Gallery will be closed to visitors. These videos and photographs (room by room, wall by wall) provide a virtual alternative, filmed in March 2020. If any of these artworks interest you, details of individual works and...

Previous Exhibition (even during lockdown): Watercolour
'Watercolour’ launched on Wednesday 26 Feb and, despite its title, includes a range of media including pen and wash,...

Previous Exhibition: ‘Under the Bed Sale’
Thurs 9 January to Sunday 23 February 2020 Lots of artwork at heavily reduced prices. It’s a combination of a traditional sale with significant reductions on normal selling prices and an ‘Under the Bed’ sale (pioneered by Sheffield’s Crucible Gallery, I think), for...
Previous Exhibition: The Bingley Gallery Christmas Show 28 November to 24 December
The Bingley Gallery’s forthcoming Christmas show, where, alongside my paintings and new work from regulars, Jane Fielder and Amy Charlesworth,we have a couple of paintings squirreled away from Judith Levin’s last exhibition and a few favourites including Stella...

Previous Exhibition: Land and Sea featuring Clarke Avery
The Bingley Gallery’s next exhibition features Leeds-born artist Clarke Avery. Painting in a range of media including oils, acrylic and texture gel, Clarke conjures up atmospheric and often dramatic scenes. It’s something that interacts directly with the on-looker’s...